Identify Plant Purple Leaves Edible Mint Family Used Korean Cooking

Cooking with Perilla Leaves 101

perilla leaves

While there are various ingredients we employ to enhance the gustation of our foods, herbs are the all-time fashion to take your cooking to the next level. They add together a subtle still incredibly delicious layer to whatsoever dish and make it seem well-thought-out.

Different herbs are preferred throughout the diverse global cuisines. Italian cuisine prefers oregano and basil, French cuisine adores thyme, and south Asian cuisines add coriander.

Perilla leaves are an incredibly popular herb added to Asian cuisine, and virtually prominently, Korean cuisine. It belongs to the mint family and has a unique taste that can elevate whatsoever dish.

If yous're interested in learning more virtually this wondrous little herb, continue reading beneath.

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What are Perilla Leaves?

perilla leaves green

Perilla is the term used for various species of plants in the mint family unit. The Perilla plant, commonly called Korean Perilla, is the species of Perilla in the mint family.

Perilla is also known by its Japanese name 'egoma' or 'shiso.' It's originally from the mountainous regions of Mainland china, India, and South asia.

More than popularly grown in Korea and Mainland china, farmers introduced this plant into Japan, leading to their variety, chosen 'shiso.'

At present, yous can easily get it worldwide.

The Perilla plant grows to 150 cm tall. Useful parts of the plant are its leaves and seeds, and it has an aromatic strong mint-like odour.

The Perilla leaves are oval-shaped with pointy ends. Furthermore, the leaves are generally green with lite flecks of purple on the underside.

What are they used for?

Chinese doctors employ Perilla leaves to care for many ailments. Furthermore, Asians utilize it widely in cooking equally a garnish and every bit an antidote for nutrient poisoning.

People too use Perilla leaves in Japan as a garnish on raw fish dishes for a dual purpose. Non only does information technology assistance flavor the dish, but it also helps prevent possible poisoning owing to the rawness of the fish.

Its seeds yield edible oil, which you can use in commercial manufacturing processes to produce varnishes, dyes, and inks.

Fresh greenish Perilla leaves are popular in Korean cuisine. Perilla is maybe rubber for most people when taken by mouth, but sometimes it can cause an allergic skin reaction and rash.

Every bit you tin see, the Perilla plant is multi-purpose and popular throughout various industries.

korean cooking

3 Health Benefits of Perillia Leaves

These are simply a few of the wellness benefits that come with using Perilla leaves in your nutrition.

Medicinal use

Doctors widely use the Perilla herb and the leaves and even the seeds to make medicines. Perilla tin assistance treat many wellness issues similar asthma, nausea, sunstroke, and sweating and reduce muscle spasms.

It is widely applicative as a herb in traditional Chinese medicine. Its various antioxidant properties help boost its medicinal use.

Anti-depressant properties

Perilla is an of import constituent of anti-depression medicines. Some researches show that the bioactive elective of Perilla frutescence, such as rosmarinic acid and apigenin, have an anti-depression effect.

Consuming small amounts of the herb can thus help you keep mood disorders at bay.

High in antioxidants

Perilla seeds were reported to have a higher amount of antioxidants than chia seeds and flax seeds. Additionally, Perilla leaves are rich in fibre and minerals.

Perilla leaves are also a rich source of carotenoids; Perilla's entire plant is very useful and nutritious equally information technology contains fatty, poly peptide, vitamins, and minerals.

Perilla Substitutes

As y'all know, Korean Perilla leaves are office of the mint family to use mint leaves as substitutes. You tin can as well employ shiso as a Perilla substitute, merely the sense of taste isn't entirely like.

mint plant

FAQs on Perillia Leaves

Is Perilla sesame?

Sesame and Perilla plants are sometimes both chosen sesame, but they are dissimilar plants. Y'all tin can use both plants to make oil, namely Perilla oil and sesame oil.

The aroma of both oils is slightly different, but they olfactory property like sesame.

What practise Perilla leaves taste like?

Perilla leaves and seeds belong to the mint family and have a minty liquorice gustatory modality with an additional nutty flavor. Its texture is slightly fuzzy, and these leaves are soft, tender, and have a very grassy texture.

What is Perilla leaf good for?

Perilla leaf is a traditional aromatic herb that originated as a wild species of the mint family.

Perilla leafage extracts are rich in antioxidants and take anti-allergic, anti-inflammatory, anti-depressant, and tumour-preventing properties.

The Perilla leafage also has protective backdrop which help you go along food poisoning from raw meat at bay. This makes information technology a common ingredient in sushi and sashimi where most of the meat is raw.

It too helps continue the smell of uncooked seafood at bay.

Y'all can apply the juice from Perilla leaves to wounds and cuts considering of its anti-bacterial properties. Perilla leaves are also used in the preparation of herbal tea for cold and fever.

Furthermore, the Perilla foliage is an first-class fashion to add a minty, nutty taste to whatsoever dish. If you lot're wondering how to grow Perilla leaves, y'all tin can easily do then in well-drained soil.

Tin you lot eat Perilla leaves Raw?

Y'all can use Perilla leaves in both ways, either raw or cooked. Notwithstanding, make certain to rinse it clean of any dirt before consuming it raw.

Raw Perilla leaves feature widely in salads, and in Korea, they use the leaves in kimchi. The Perilla leaves are marinated for an extended period with soy sauce, herbs, and spices.

You lot can also freeze Perilla leaves in the fridge, and you lot tin can thaw them before using them for cooking.

What tin I apply instead of Perilla leaves?

Y'all can apply mint leaves and Thai basil, which also belong to the mint family.

Is Perilla mint poisonous to humans?

Perilla mint establish is toxic, and the flowers are the most dangerous. Perilla flowers tin can cause respiratory distress syndrome.

The Perilla constitute has ketones that tin harm the lungs through inflammation. It can also prevent the adequate substitution of gases.

Nevertheless, the constitute is toxic but if yous consume it in a high quantity.


In that location are plenty of herbs around the world; some are truly useful and beneficial. Every herb and constitute has its backdrop.

The Perilla plant has a unique sense of taste that can burnish up any dish. It also has a host of medicinal properties, which brand it a salubrious addition to whatsoever meal.

If you want to add more than complexity to your food, this herb is a must-try.

Andy Canter


Ever since I started cooking I've been fascinated by how unlike people'due south techniques are and how they best utilise the ingredients effectually them. Even the person living adjacent door will have their own unique way of frying an egg or cooking a salmon fillet.

This fascination led me on a journeying across the world to observe the endless practices and traditions the earth of cooking has to offer. I thought y'all'd enjoy and find value in sharing that journey with me so I created Cooked Best!


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