baby clothes what to hang what to fold

Ane of the first things the expectant parents start imaging after seeing the positive pregnancy exam is usually their infant's nursery. They showtime planning on how to decorate it how cute the little clothes will be, just soon yous accept to tackle specifics similar which clothes should hang in the cupboard and which should be folded.

If you take the closet infinite, hang every bit many of your baby's clothes as possible. This volition go a long way toward making it easier to find specific outfits, plus it'll be easier to maintain the clothes storage system. It may look very cute to have all of your infant's outfits lined up in a drawer, just it volition be nigh impossible to keep that way.

Read on to notice tips on which clothing you should hang or fold, besides as tips on how to fold sure pieces of clothing.

Which baby clothes should y'all hang?

Most of your infant's habiliment tin be hung upwardly in the closet, making the search process simpler for yous as well as your child as they get older. Not all clothing needs to be hung, but many types of clothing are easy to hang.

Dress that are best hung upwardly include:

  • Shirts – Having your kid's shirts (both t-shirts and push-downs) hanging in the cupboard will go along them contraction-gratuitous and it is piece of cake to flip through to find the correct shirt. You are likewise able to pull a shirt or 2 out to let an opinionated toddler choose what they want to vesture then hands put the rejected shirt back without having anything to refold.
  • Bodysuits – Searching for a specific onesie in a hurry while holding a screaming or fluctuant baby can exist challenging and frequently can lead to a disorganized drawer. Hanging onesies in the closet makes information technology significantly easier to juggle the baby while finding the 1 y'all are looking for.
  • Dresses and rompers – This will reduce wrinkles and go far easy to pull the outfit out of the closet quickly. Both of these tin can be a hurting to fold and you may also need to fe them (or perhaps stick them in the dryer as I like to do) before your baby can wear them.
  • Jackets, sweaters, and sweatshirts – Each of these takes up much more drawer space than the same number of lighter-weight tops and so hanging them up doubles as a major space saver.

Other apparel, such as pajamas, pants, and even plain white bodysuits are probably amend off being folded and stored in a drawer.

How to hang baby outfits

When hanging baby dress, yous should start by using the baby hangers.

There is no demand to go the fancier hangers as the plastic ones work just besides and you tin can keep to utilise these hangers until your child starts wearing a size eight in kids clothing.

Once your clothing is dried, pull the wearing apparel out of the dryer while warm then divide the clothing you want to hang past laying them out, right side out on a flat surface to help reduce wrinkles.

You can besides sort them out by family unit members to proceed the dress in an organized mode.

Once everything else is folded, become back to the dress you are choosing to hang and first putting hangers on them. While you are doing that, you tin besides sort them past type to put them into the closet quickly and organized manner.

Hang them in the closet and yous are done!

Tips for hanging baby outfits

Hanging clothes is my favorite way to organize clothing because it's easier to pick out an outfit. Even better, hanging clothes is much faster and like shooting fish in a barrel for me than folding all those little shirts!

Hither are some tips for how to hang your babe'due south clothes:

  • Sort the clothes – Lay them out as soon as possible after pulling them from the dryer merely similar with adult wear. They will be warm and information technology'll be easier to avert wrinkles and creases. Timing is everything for both folding and hanging laundry!
  • Organize by size – You will most likely have a diversity of sizes at the beginning. There are beautiful hanging dividers that you can utilize to divide your newborn sizes from your 3-month ones and then on.
  • Keep all the sizes of clothes in the cupboard – If you take the infinite, hanging all your dress together from the beginning will go far easier to transition into the larger sizes when the time comes. If you accept less space, continue the larger sizes in a labeled bin until you lot are set up to pull them out for use.
  • Arrange your infant clothes by type, – Organize the cupboard with like items together. For instance, all the t-shirts would hang together, all the dresses, together, and and so forth. Keeping them together will make it easier to search for the wearable you are looking for as well every bit put them back into a closet.

Which baby wearing apparel should yous fold?

While hanging is all-time for many outfits, not all clothes demand to be hung up. There are some that information technology is easier to have folded in a drawer. These will aid take up less space if you have express closet infinite.

These clothes are better to fold than to hang:

  • Pajamas – These tin be folded and put into drawers since it is not a huge deal for them to become wrinkled in the drawer. Since you'll probably have fewer pajamas than other types of clothing, reorganizing them will have less time compared to other pieces of clothing.
  • Pants and shorts – Bottoms quick and like shooting fish in a barrel to fold, making the drawer a good choice. If you have enough infinite, I recommend keeping these two separate so that it'll exist easier to observe the exact pair of shorts or pants yous are looking for.
  • Onesies – These tin can besides be folded and placed into drawers. By folding them into a small-scale rectangle y'all can have your onesies fit neatly into the drawer. This way you can see the pattern and lessen the demand to shift clothing around to find what you lot are looking for.

How to fold baby outfits

How you lot fold infant apparel depends on the type of clothing information technology is. Some pieces are easier and quicker to fold than others.

Here is how you fold your lilliputian i's clothing into as small of a profile equally possible.


To fold a brusque- or long-sleeved onesie:

  • Place the onesie on a flat surface, front confront down
  • Fold the onesie in one-half vertically (longways)
  • Fold the arms in and so that y'all create prissy, straight lines on both sides of the onesie.
  • Going from the bottom offset, fold it upward about ⅓ of the way
  • Fold the top over well-nigh the same distance

Footed pajamas or sleepers

To fold your baby's 1-piece pajamas, sleepers, or like:

  • Push button or zip the pajamas to ensure information technology doesn't carve up while you're folding it
  • Fold the pajamas in one-half vertically
  • Fold the arms in
  • Folding the feet up, every bit shut together as possible, most ⅓ of the way
  • Fold upwards from the bottom, bringing it near ⅓ of the way
  • Folding the elevation down well-nigh the same distance.


To fold long pants:

  • Lay the pants down on a flat surface
  • Fold directly in half vertically
  • Push button the crotch area into the fold to create a dainty, direct line
  • Fold the pants in half
  • After they are halved, fold the bottom up to about ⅓ of the fashion before folding it up again another third of the way

You tin likewise fold the pants direct in one-half and call information technology a twenty-four hour period if that works better for you.

For shorts, simply fold them directly in half vertically. When they are smaller, there is really no need for an extra fold since these are so tiny. This will change as your baby's clothes bigger and you may need to fold in half to get that small profile await

Tips for folding baby outfits

Folding laundry for a baby can be tedious since there are numerous, tiny pieces.

Here are some tips to make the procedure go more smoothly:

  • Organize the clothing by type – Pants, pajamas, and shorts can all exist separated to help brand it easier to discover specific vesture without searching through each drawer. If you have to store 2 types of clothing together, get a drawer divider to help keep them separated.
  • Keep 2-piece outfits together – Proceed outfits that are matched together by folding them together. For two-piece pajamas that are folded, I commonly fold the pants in with the shirt. It makes it easier for me (and eventually the kids!) to choose their pajamas without having to unfold everything or search for missing pieces.
  • Have adequate storage – If your infant will exist sharing a room with another child, make sure you get a dresser that is large enough to house all the article of clothing you desire to store.

However you choose to store your baby's vesture, arrangement is the key to keeping rail of everyone's clothing. Go along it simple for yourself and in a way that feels natural to yous.


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