How Can I Make a Difference in the World Essay

[Published March 12, 2007, revised April 11, 2020]

I know you care about something: a person, a place or an idea. And whatever y'all care about is something yous want to help. This means some actions serve yous more than than others: the more aligned your choices and beliefs, the bigger the difference you make. You don't need to be a martyr or make grand sacrifices. To make a difference you must just clarify what you care well-nigh, examine your behavior and do something about the gaps you find.

The ego vs. things that matter

As shortly equally someone starts talking almost changing the globe or radically reinventing something they're talking about the future. Unless they're working today to bring safety to the scared, health to the sick, or opportunity to the poor, their reinventions mostly serve their egos. Passionate speculation about the future doesn't assist someone in demand correct now. Information technology's tin can be salubrious to vent and rant, only to make a existent difference requires a different kind of effort.

Engineering science feeds our egos into making u.s. experience powerful. One click, i impact, and wow! But engineering has diminishing returns when it comes to difference making. In our fourth dimension (and possibly class, and country) progress isn't as dependent on technology as it used to be. The glaring need for progress is more in what doesn't fit through technological tubes, rather than the tubes themselves. Since the telegraph we've been sending $.25 to different places: where nosotros're behind is in the quality of what we're sending. Here'due south some difference making problems whose solutions are not dependent on recent technological advances:

  • Y'all don't know your neighbors.
  • It's been ages since you helped someone just because they needed it.
  • People in your society are having a very hard time.
  • Y'all're having a hard fourth dimension and no one seems to care.
  • You oasis't literally spoken to a proficient friend in months.
  • Your partner thinks you odour funny.
  • Y'all've fallen and can't get upward (oh wait).

Silly man at tea

Everyone who has fabricated something millions of people use, a radically successful product or website, struggles to connect that accomplishment with difference making. Their default answer is often "Well, I made something millions of people use", but use to do what? Salve time? And what did those people do with the time they saved? Was that time used to make a difference? It'south an empty answer because information technology's nigh scale, not quality.

When yous prod just a bit they'll abandon that reply. Instead, they talk almost other things: helping friends, sharing communication with someone who needed information technology, standing upward for what'due south right despite the consequences, helping a friend, or ameliorate notwithstanding a stranger, get through a tough fourth dimension or express mirth on a bad 24-hour interval. Those are divergence making acts.

Nosotros all remember times when someone did something for us that mattered. It'south usually simple humane things. Actions not jump past technology or g wealth. But unproblematic acts of people not being heartless and how powerful they can be. So why do we forget that information technology is these things, not tools and toys, that hold the essence of making a departure?

Forgotten actions

On my terminal day of a x yr career I was invited to give a last lecture (thanks to Surya Vanka). Information technology was a wonderful result and I talked about important things to a friendly crowd. Later on, a peer I respected but didn't know walked my way. He thanked me for the work I'd done. I asked why he'd never said anything earlier. He told me (get this) he thought I already knew. He figured I probably heard that sort of matter all the time. In essence, he didn't want to badger me with praise. Badger me with praise! Is there a more than absurd phrase in the English language?

Information technology made me retrieve how many times I'd seen, read or experienced acts of generosity that mattered to me and how rare it was I'd offered whatever praise in return.

Books I read a dozen times, practiced advice I'd received, bus drivers who got me to work on time, police who kept me safe, people who fabricated the food I ate, a waiter who made for a great evening, people I'd never sufficiently thanked for what they did. Coworkers and friends who who said honest things that changed me for the better, or who stuck up for me when others didn't, who never learned the value their choices had. I recognized an infinity of deportment that made a difference to me that I had not best-selling, not really. Not in proportion to the difference they fabricated. I was less than the human being who'd thanked me on my way out of the company. He did something about what mattered to him. He walked straight upwardly, looked me in the eye, and offered his thanks, something, I realized, I didn't know how to do. Or more accurately, that I didn't want to do for some reason.

I realized there was a selfishness to me. That I was embarrassed to thank or aid people in a way. That it made me feel embarrassed for some reason. And information technology was a surprise. I had a articulate idea of what I idea was the right mode to behave, I'd just never done the much harder role of honestly bookkeeping how my daily actions lived upwards to that idea. They didn't.

The gift of time

I buy more things than I make. I used to think information technology was a sign of some kind of capitalistic progress to be able to buy nutrient and gifts instead of making them myself, just I'm not sure anymore. When it comes to difference making there is a unlike path. Coin comes and goes, merely my time on this planet is finite. How I spend my fourth dimension, or who I spend it with means more than anything else in my universe. Giving my time is the most valuable gift I can give.

So when it comes to whatever it is I care about, I have to ask myself how much of my time, the ultimate commodity, I give to information technology. An 60 minutes a twenty-four hours? A day a calendar week? A calendar week a year? How many of my remaining minutes on this curious little planet will I invest in what matters nigh? How many things are there that I claim to care well-nigh, but haven't spent time on in months? years? decades? Ever?

And if some of the things I care about most are people, I have to enquire how I tin can best use my time to exist near useful to their time. For people I know, peradventure instead of that gift card, I make them dinner. Or possibly a night at the theater for them and their spouse (sans me). How about a babysitter for a day, or a gift certificate for an 60 minutes of my time to do whatever they ask me to do (including volunteering me wherever they want). Money and things sure are nice but there is always a simpler more personal mode, that if done well, makes the largest possible difference. And for people I don't know, but who are part of my gild, who do things I depend on but overlook, I accept to exercise what I can to assistance them get past.

The existential drive

Nosotros're obsessed with calibration. If all I have to give is a thank you, then that'southward 100% of what I tin give. If I can only donate $5 to an of import cause, that might exist small in the grand scheme, merely enough to feed one more person. If I go good service at a bar, I can write a sweet note on the check about how peachy the service was, and match it with a beaucoup tip. There's ever some mode I can reinforce the things that matter to me in the universe, no matter how pocket-sized, and I'm the simply ane that can exercise it. And if it ways less to them than it does to me, that's OK. Information technology still keeps my choices and beliefs consistent with each other. I can look someone, or myself, in the eye and experience that on this mean solar day I am who I think I am.

Simply the odds are skillful these small-scale acts of self-integrity are significant to others. If an contained musician makes a vocal that'south heard by 5000 people, maybe 1000 volition listen to it again, and x% of them will share it to friends. But who will pay the musician? Or send them a note of cheers? Perhaps 1% of those thousands of people will ever requite whatever praise straight to the person who made the thing in the showtime identify. A niggling thanks annotation may have more power than you lot know.

I'chiliad pledging to myself, and to any of you that have read this far, that I'm going to give thanks people who do things I value (For starters, thanks for reading). I'll leave funny thank y'all notes, buy bearding flowers, tell others of their work, consider their needs and what I buy and who I vote for, and admit the difference they've made for me.

None of what I've written may thing to you, but I promise y'all'll consider what does and do something about it.


  • How To Help or Go Help during Pandemic
  • Volunteer match: An like shooting fish in a barrel way to divergence making is to go find people who need help. This is a dating service blazon matter for matching volunteers to things that need them, searchable by naught code (Pandemic specific opportunities).
  • Brand a deviation day: What exercise you lot know: a whole 24-hour interval where people effort to practise stuff they recollect matters. I just wish there was a day like this, merely with less goody-two-shoes smoothen, something aimed at getting sarcastic wise-ass people like myself to volunteer (finger on nose).
  • The myth of Sisyphus, Camus. I can't entirely explicate why but this is the unit of existential philosophy I go return to (Camus is to Satre, as cheesecake is to flan).
  • What should I do with my life?, by Po Bronson. This is the simply what should I do book I've found that centers on real people'southward stories: some happy, some sad, some confused, simply since they're all asking "what should I do" it's more powerful and real than whatsoever prescriptive book.


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