Is Pouring Hot Water Over Again Really Help Me Come Out

Common cold or Warm, Can We Really Tell?

A desensitized science project from Scientific discipline Buddies

Is your water hot or cold? It might depend on what you lot were feeling before. Learn how you experience temperature--and how information technology might all be relative! Credit: George Retseck

Fundamental concepts
Sensory nervous system

Have yous always tried to guess the temperature of the h2o in a swimming pool? On a hot day the water might feel dank at offset, merely in one case you're immersed in the water yous don't notice its temperature as much. On a cool twenty-four hour period, though, the puddle water that is the aforementioned temperature might experience quite comfortable from the very start. Is our torso equipped to tell absolute temperature? Or is it all relative?

These questions might brand you curious nigh how our bodies collect information nigh our environs, procedure information technology and class our perception of the world. Practise this action, and the next time you leap in the pool on a hot summer day you volition be able to understand why y'all're nearly to feel and so chilly!

Our hands—specially our fingertips—are well equipped to collect sensory information from the environment surrounding them. They incorporate an immense number of sensory receptors. External circumstances, such as temperature, texture and touch prompt these receptors to produce electrical signals. The signals travel via a sensory nerve along the arm to the brain where they are processed, compared to past experiences and finally labeled.

Each receptor is triggered past a specific stimulus. Thermoreceptors detect temperature changes. We are equipped with some thermoreceptors that are activated by common cold conditions and others that are activated by estrus. Warm receptors will plough up their signal rate when they feel warmth—or rut transfer into the body. Cooling—or oestrus transfer out of the body—results in a decreased point charge per unit. Cold receptors, on the other hand, increase their firing rate during cooling and decrease it during warming.

Something interesting happens when your betrayal receptors to a specific sensation such equally heat for a long time: they commencement to tire out and decrease their activity, thereby yous will no longer notice the awareness equally much.

Could this desensitization also alter our sensitivity to what nosotros feel next? Try this activeness and found out!


  • Iii pots, all large enough in which to submerge both hands
  • Warm water (Do not make it too hot; test the water before you put your easily into the pot. If you nevertheless experience any discomfort from the warm—or cold—h2o, allow your hands adapt to room temperature and get-go over using water at less extreme temperatures.)
  • Room-temperature h2o
  • Common cold water (or ice cubes to add together to room-temperature water)
  • Towel to protect your work surface
  • A clock to time yourself


  • Prepare a work surface that can become a little wet past laying downward a towel and removing whatsoever objects that should not get wet.
  • Fill up one pot with very common cold water. (You can as well utilise room-temperature water and add together a couple of ice cubes to absurd the water in this pot.)
  • Fill a second pot with room-temperature water.
  • Fill a third pot with warm water. Be sure not to make the water as well hot; you demand to be able to comfortably have your easily in this h2o for a little while.


  • Submerge your correct hand in the pot with cold water. How would you allocate the temperature of the water—cold or very cold?
  • Put your left mitt in the pot with warm water. How does this water feel?
  • After having you easily in the pots for about a minute or 2, pay attending to the temperature of the h2o in each pot again. Does the cold h2o nonetheless experience as cold as it initially did? What about the warm h2o? If it feels differently, do you think the actual temperature of the water in the pots changed considerably during this curt time or has your perception of the temperature inverse?
  • Now, simultaneously remove your hands from the pots with ice-common cold and warm water and place both easily in the pot with room-temperature water. How would you lot characterization the temperature of the h2o in the pot? Does it experience hot, warm, lukewarm, cold or very cold? If it is hard to say, pay attention to what you would say if you felt only with your correct hand and what would you lot say if you felt only with your left hand? Exercise your hands agree or disagree about the temperature of the h2o?
  • Extra: Instead of using two hands, give your index finger a warm bathroom and your middle finger of the same hand a cold bath. The sensory signals created by the thermoreceptor in this exam run along the same sensory nerve up your arm to your brain. Would you still exist able to say 1 finger feels cold and the other finger feels warm? Would you lot still get disruptive messages when after a infinitesimal, you put both fingers in water at room temperature? At present effort with a fingertip touching an ice cube and a warm cloth at the same time. Are you yet able to say that one-half of the tip is warm and the other half is cold? Are yous still confused when you lot put the fingertip on a room-temperature object?
  • Extra: In this activity the water in the hot and common cold pots are different temperatures. What if you put your hand in contact with objects that feel cold or warm only are at the same temperature, such as a metallic door knob or pot and the carpeting or a wool sweater? These objects are all at room temperature but they appear to be dissimilar in temperature because they conduct heat differently. Let your whole hands bear on these objects. Do you even so get disruptive messages if, after awhile, y'all put your hands in contact with a third fabric, such equally glass?

Observations and results
Did the correct hand experience as though the room-temperature h2o was hot, whereas the left hand experienced it as chilly?

When you initially placed your correct hand in the cold water, cold thermoreceptors in your hand fired creating signals that, after being processed in the brain, enabled you to label the water as "cold." As the left hand was put in hot water, warm thermoreceptors initiated signals, allowing yous to identify the h2o in this pot as "warm."

Afterward awhile the thermoreceptors in your hands quieted down. They became desensitized and the water in the corresponding pots did not experience as cold or every bit warm anymore.

When you placed both easily in a pot of room-temperature water, however, your encephalon got confused. Your correct paw entered with desensitized cold thermoreceptors and active warm thermoreceptors. The heat menstruation into the common cold manus fired the warm thermoreceptors. Your brain interprets these as coming from a warm environment. You perceived the water with your right hand as warmer than it really was. A similar process happened in your left hand, which entered with desensitized warm thermoreceptors and experienced heat flow from the warm hand to the room-temperature h2o. Your left hand felt as though the water was colder than it actually was.

Equally your hands perceived the h2o in the room-temperature pot differently, you got confused. Your brain returned conflicting information about the temperature of the h2o in the room-temperature pot. This feel shows that your perception of temperature is influenced by the previous surround.

More to explore
Why Does the Floor Feel Cold When the Towel Feels Warm?, from Scientific American
How Animals Stay Warm with Blab, from Scientific American
Somatosensation: Pressure, Temperature and Pain, from

This activity brought to you in partnership with Science Buddies

Science Buddies


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